Introduction to RTO RegistrationBecoming a Registered Training Organisation in Australia necessitates following regulatory requirements and adherence with the rules of the national regulatory body. This article is designed to clarify the steps to aid beginners comprehend the process of becoming an RTO, manage the registration process, and confirm c… Read More

Exploring RTO Learning Resources Identifying ideal learning resources and assessment tools from the abundant options of publishers in Australia may be demanding. Top-quality tools should cater to each individual RTO's individual needs and increase learner achievements. It’s imperative to investigate existing first-rate materials and how they assi… Read More

OverviewRTOs are responsible for multiple obligations post-registration, including yearly declarations, AVETMISS data submission, and promotional compliance. Among these tasks, validation of assessments is notably challenging. While validation has been covered in multiple articles, let's return to the basics. ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authori… Read More